to mariza i dont have any pic that show ur funny face from my hp
so i take tis one
* other is big size for this broadband*
* hehe*

once again he is not pay attention!!

focus itu penting laa..
please bagam pay ur attention!!

kawan baik
( maulida n ella )

girl WANTED by boxer

org nak amek kursus kawin hehe

time cinta intan dan boxer berputik :))

senyum kambing ~

present BD utk new product tpi kitorg yg menang!!

haha lagi stu tmpat tgkap gambr ialah di dining hahaha

cermin admin pon bole jdi port kitrg tgkap gambar haha

yg ni suka sgt mengelamun bile time discussion :))

kusyuk buat discussion RM dkt library
focus btol ini 2 budak
oOoOOooOoo kaw amek gamba aku senyap2??
sentap mak!!! huh.. sabotaj.. kaw tnggu je nox!! hahhahahha..
gambar ambil diam2 itu penting hahaha
kena kan aku ek...
ko tggu je la..
aku kena kan ko plak...
sumenye nk kne kn aku ni
mne intan??
ko xtwu intan ngis ble berpisah hehe
aku tau..
intan dh ckp...
amboi intan ni x leh blah hehe
ntah2 snickers tu simpan dlm frame hehe
ape pon aku harap korg akn bersama
u both look sweet
sweet ek?
sweet ler tu hehe
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